Special Characters

Another thing I’m constantly Googling myself silly over are the HTML codes for special characters such as Registered Trademark (®) or feminine Ordinal (ª). Here are a few more and a link to a massive list of them.

&ndash ; – en dash
&mdash ; — em dash
&nbsp ;   nonbreaking space
&iexcl ; ¡ inverted exclamation
&cent ; ¢ cent sign
&pound ; £ pound sterling
&curren ; ¤ general currency sign
&yen ; ¥ yen sign
&brvbar ; or &brkbar ; ¦ broken vertical bar
&sect ; § section sign
&uml ; or &die ; &#168 ; ¨ umlaut
&copy ; © copyright
&ordf ; ª feminine ordinal
&laquo ; « left angle quote
&not ; ¬ not sign
&shy ; ­ soft hyphen
&reg ; ® registered trademark
&macr ; or &hibar ; ¯ macron accent

Many more to be found here – Wired WebMonkey